live better with

your time+

Why You need an end-of-life plan
Peace of Mind Planning Time

Why You need an end-of-life plan

Have you developed a comprehensive end-of-life plan? By investing the...
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How can you plan for a great year?
Planning Time Uncategorized

How can you plan for a great year?

Success in the coming year will look different for every...
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Are you prioritizing honest self-assessment?
Assessment Time

Are you prioritizing honest self-assessment?

An honest self-assessment is a crucial component of gaining: Personal...
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How to Create Peace of Mind With Risk Management
Peace of Mind Time Uncategorized

How to Create Peace of Mind With Risk Management

It’s crucial to prepare for life’s uncertainties, unfortunate events, and...
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8 Steps to Improve Your Productivity
Productivity Time Uncategorized

8 Steps to Improve Your Productivity

Improving productivity saves you valuable personal resources, including:•    Time spent •  ...
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Planning For Better Relationships

Planning For Better Relationships

When it comes to relationships, your spouse or partner is...
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Growing Your Financial Health

Growing Your Financial Health

Your personal wealth helps define the boundaries of your life...
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Planning Ahead

Planning Ahead

Success in the coming year will look different for every...
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Conducting Your Assessment

Conducting Your Assessment

The end of the year means it's time to conduct...
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Stay Safe While Celebrating

Stay Safe While Celebrating

Another year is coming to a close. Huzzah!  Any zeal...
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Meaningful Gift Ideas

Meaningful Gift Ideas

Have you noticed that our 12 Keys do not discuss...
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With Honest Assessment Comes Great Responsibility

With Honest Assessment Comes Great Responsibility

No matter how wonderful the past, life can be greater...
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Critical Questions

Critical Questions

Conducting a critical assessment of oneself means asking tough questions....
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End-Of-Year Checkup

End-Of-Year Checkup

Opportunities and challenges will present themselves in the year ahead....
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Reaching a Deeper Understanding

Reaching a Deeper Understanding

Each of us is different. There are great similarities amongst...
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Let’s Get Organized!

Let’s Get Organized!

This will look different for each person. And it does...
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Smart Tips for your Smartphone

Smart Tips for your Smartphone

Today’s smartphones are remarkable devices that can add real value...
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Seek Isolation for Concentration!

Seek Isolation for Concentration!

Finding it difficult to focus? Sometimes a little space is...
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12 New Year’s Resolutions to Try

12 New Year’s Resolutions to Try

Ready for some 2022 resolutions?Here comes 2022! What lifestyle changes...
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Update Your Bucket List!

Update Your Bucket List!

Update your bucket list for 2022!We promised we would, and...
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Peace of Mind

Questions to help you identify your personal/family risk profile

Each person’s threat environment is unique and different. Take the time to assess your personal and family threat environment. Consider the following...
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Practice the s.t.a.r. technique

Maintain situational awareness of task surroundings and circumstances Improve task focus by consistently practicing the STAR technique—pausing to Stop, Think,...
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Apply the Pareto Principle (i.e., the 80/20 rule)

If 80% of the benefit is all you need and can be had for 20% of the effort, then do...
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Addiction Productivity

Protect yourself from your phone

Today’s smart phones are remarkable devices that can add real value to one’s life. But if mismanaged, smart phones can...
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Vision, Mission, Values

What will the end of your lifetime look like for you and the important people in your life? Project ahead...
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How To Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The acronym S.M.A.R.T. stands for:  SPECIFIC: Using detail to accurately describe each objective, goal, and/or action. MEASURABLE: Defining success criteria for...
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Download your 2022 planning guide!

Success in the coming year will look different for every individual. For some, success might look like effectively harnessing opportunities to...
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