What will the end of your lifetime look like for you and the important people in your life? Project ahead to the end of your life. Describe in simple terms how it all went and what your definition of personal success looks like in the end.
- Create a one-line vision statement for your life.
- Define your mission statement in one line.
- Identify the three or so values you want to emphasize this year.
Example: Be a fully functional, contributing member of society at age 90
Define your MISSION statement in one line
During your time, what impact do you intend to have? What contribution will you have made to the world and others during your time? Describe this in simple terms.
Example: Make a positive difference in both the lives of my students and my grandchildren
Identify the three or so VALUES you want to emphasize THIS YEAR
When complete, define and insert a three to five-word theme that best describes your focus for this area during the coming year.
Example: Risk Aversion … theme: learn more from mistakes
Download the free planning worksheet to help guide you through these questions.