Play the game of life and play to win. Everyone wins when you give your best, honest effort. Learn how to gracefully… Relish the taste of victory and gracefully enjoy its rewardsTreat your losing opponent with respect and humility… acknowledge their effortEmbrace and...
When necessary, have a regimen of self-care to aid recovery. When life’s strain reduces your emotional reserve to the point of becoming anxious, annoyed, or even angry, execute a personal routine developed to provide some bit of respite and recovery. In real time,...
Happiness is elusive. But studies show that you feel better when you are actively thankful. Use good manners. The world gets better with every ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘you are welcome’ Take a moment each day, to truly ‘count your blessings’. And...
There are several lifestyle behaviors and practices that improve your physical capability, and the resulting capability can, in turn, positively impact those lifestyle behaviors and practices, i.e., the virtuous cycle. If you follow Living Better closely, you...
Positive feedback in many forms can motivate new behaviors and prompt different decisions. Accordingly, a little bit of personal vanity can be a good thing. Take time to… Look in the mirror and assess improvements made and opportunity areas to be pursued. Stand tall...