By warding off disease and illness, you can experience: Continuity of physical health Continuity of cognitive ability Continuity of emotional health and psychological well-being The opportunity to fulfill responsibilities and contribute during your personal and...
The best way to combat illness and disease is to prevent its occurrence. Take the offensive and adopt some preventive practices. The steps below will help you recognize your own vulnerabilities. Know your family historyYou are a unique individual. While the illness...
Vital signs are measurements of the body’s most basic functions. The four main vital signs routinely monitored by medical professionals and health care providers are listed below with their accompanying normal ranges. Blood pressure: 90/60 mm Hg to 120/80 mm...
The following lifestyle practices are essential barriers in disease and illness prevention. Recognize your vulnerabilities. Know your family history You are a unique individual. While the illness and disease that may have plagued your lineage is in no way a certainty...
There exist different outlooks on the need and efficacy of various forms of vaccinations, but here are some generally accepted recommendations. In addition to the vaccinations received during youth, adults should consider the following: A booster shot for tetanus,...
Self-monitoring is the first step in an effective program of early detection. Sleep numbers to include total sleep, restful sleep, average heart rate, heart rate variability Body Weight and associated measures like Body Mass index (BMI) Eyesight Hearing Posture...