Play the game of life and play to win. Everyone wins when you give your best, honest effort. Learn how to gracefully…

  1. Relish the taste of victory and gracefully enjoy its rewards
  2. Treat your losing opponent with respect and humility… acknowledge their effort
  3. Embrace and endure the feelings of loss. Grow your resolve. 
  4. Treat your winning opponent with respect and humility… acknowledge their effort and result
  5. Assess your performance, decide your action, and commit to improvements for next time

Assuming you are honest in your pursuit, you gain emotional resiliency in both wins and losses. 

Note: Avoid any impulse to cheat in life’s contests. Cheating in any form invalidates the rewards of any victory and the emotional strength that comes from enduring loss. In fact, cheating depletes your emotional strength as your confidence erodes with the knowledge “I can only win by cheating”

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