How to Create Peace of Mind With Risk Management

How to Create Peace of Mind With Risk Management

It’s crucial to prepare for life’s uncertainties, unfortunate events, and occasional adversity with the thoughtful development and deliberate implementation of an effective approach to risk management. An effective approach to risk management offers: A reduction in...
Dr.* Tom’s Miracle Elixir

Dr.* Tom’s Miracle Elixir

*Doctorate of tomfoolery “Gather around everybody, gather around! Don’t push, don’t press; there is plenty to go around. Today I am sharing with you a true miracle. A magical potion sure to transform your very existence. ‘What is it?’ you ask. I’ll tell...
6 Ways to Prevent DIsease & Illness

6 Ways to Prevent DIsease & Illness

By warding off disease and illness, you can experience: Continuity of physical health Continuity of cognitive ability Continuity of emotional health and psychological well-being The opportunity to fulfill responsibilities and contribute during your personal and...
8 Steps to Improve Your Productivity

8 Steps to Improve Your Productivity

Improving productivity saves you valuable personal resources, including:•    Time spent •    Money invested•    Energy expended•    Emotional capacity consumed It’s important to take steps every...
Honey Vs. Sugar

Honey Vs. Sugar

Yes, contained within our table of some healthier eating alternatives is the suggestion of choosing all-natural honey in lieu of sugar. One of our readers pushed back saying it all breaks down to glucose in the body so “same-same.”  What is the white...