While there are indeed troubles and travails in the world, facts suggest that, over time, our world has become an increasingly wonderful place to live. Yes, there is so much more to be done—discoveries to be made, problems to solve, and opportunities to be embraced. Let us get on with it—one individual at a time.
How might the individual make the world a better place? Lead with deeds.
Let us say, hypothetically, you wanted to improve the temperament of the daily discourse of a particular group of people of which you are a member.
What might you do?
Lead with deeds, and in this case, adopt new word choices:
Many of the choices on the left are excessive reactions to triggering stimuli. A person’s word choice can and does impact others. We see this in the daily news cycle, hooking us with inflammatory terms and then fanning the fires of fear with exaggeration—both designed to incite outrage.
Individuals can fight back. They can choose to reject the words on the left when heard and choose to use the words on the right during discussions. Lead with your deeds. An individual’s deeds (words) can influence the deeds (words) of others, creating a ripple effect that can amplify the impact.
Take small steps today to improve your efforts to positively engage with others by first taking a hard look at yourself and then making a change.
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