We make decisions every day, some big some small. Take the opportunity to reflect on those decisions and ask the following: What was the result or impact of that decision on myself? My family? Others? What was the cost of that decision? What was the benefit? Did the...
Maintain situational awareness of task surroundings and circumstances Improve task focus by consistently practicing the STAR technique—pausing to Stop, Think, Act, and Review—before executing a given task or each of a series of tasks Have a questioning attitude Stop a...
If 80% of the benefit is all you need and can be had for 20% of the effort, then do it. Learning to effectively skim and comprehend a reference book is one such example. For each chapter, read the first paragraph, the first sentence of each subsequent paragraph,...
Today’s smart phones are remarkable devices that can add real value to one’s life. But if mismanaged, smart phones can be a productivity killer. Consider the following best productivity practices to have your phone work for you and not against you. Configure your...
Your emotional state and strength are sustained by rest, nourishment, and physical well-being. Build and sustain a solid foundation of mental and physical resilience by optimizing the following: Quality sleep—to maintain mental clarity and focus Healthy...