Emotional resilience allows individual capability and capacity to flourish. It enables one’s personal power. In the face of adversity and escalating life challenges, personal power fueled by emotional resilience helps the individual to: More consistently...
Her eyebrows said, “Oh, boy!” Then, exit stage left. Upon her return, my eyebrows popped up, “Oh, my!” Exit stage right. This scenario – sometimes in turns and sometimes in parallel – played out again and again over the following four to five hours. What’s going...
Each of us is different. There are great similarities amongst all persons and many productivity principles and techniques can be applied by us all, but each of our individual algorithms for optimum productivity will be different. A personal inventory is required to...
This will look different for each person. And it does not necessarily mean cleaning up. The idea is to organize your space to best fit your work, play, and creative style. Doing so can optimize how quickly you find and retrieve needed information and tools. Here...
Today’s smartphones are remarkable devices that can add real value to one’s life. But if mismanaged, smartphones can be a productivity killer. Consider the following best productivity practices to have your phone work for you and not against you. Configure your phone...