It is all about making better decisions and behaving differently. Impulsive decisions are often bad decisions. Make it easier to make the right choices. Lots of little things done collectively can make a huge difference. 

Reduce temptations by creating a more supportive environment:

  • Grocery shop with an eye to the outer ring of the store. Stay out of the aisles where processed foods lie in wait.
  • Stock healthier choices in your larder; eliminate the poorer choices.  Use improved planning to improve consumption patterns.
  • Reflect on how hungry you are and what you might want to eat BEFORE opening a restaurant menu.
  • Conduct the weekly shop after a meal (i.e., a full stomach). Never when hungry.
  • Put out high value, tasty snacks. Examples include apples, carrots, hummus, nuts, and seeds.
  • Serve food on smaller plates and in littler bowls. Eat them with smaller utensils (And yes, this actually works).
  • Avert your gaze at the store check-out counter. Pay at the gas station pump. And never use a vending machine. There are no healthy choices found in these locations.

Modify essential personal behaviors:

  • Try “easy fasting” by leveraging your highest priority—sleep! Consciously work to increase the length of time from the last thing eaten before bed until the first thing eaten the next day. Push for twelve hours and beyond.
  • Drink water regularly throughout the day. Wake up and drink a glass of water. Have a glass of water at the ready all day long. And drink some before meals.
  • Eat only low glycemic foods, especially during the day’s first meal. 
  • Eat slowly. Learn to savor each bite. Take small bites and chew food slowly and thoroughly. Note: This change will likely take conscious thought and practice, especially if you are a naturally fast eater. Slow down and enjoy. 
  • Identify and cut way back on sneaky calories. Key example: condiments – so, skip the ketchup.